Provider Agreement

Third Party Lenders:

The company that completed the above Flexxbuy application (“Company”) desires to use the consumer lending program (“Program”) created and powered by SweetPay LLC, a Virginia limited liability company (“Provider”) in accordance with these terms and conditions (this “Agreement”).  By presenting this Agreement to the Company, Provider agrees to the terms and conditions in this Agreement.  This Agreement shall be dated as of the date in the application form above.

The Program allows merchants, practices, or contractors (like the Company) to provide to its customers that are interested in a loan to finance their purchase (“Financed Purchase”) access to Program lender partners (the “Lender Partners”) through Provider’s proprietary platform (the “Platform”).  The Program enables such customers (“Applicants”) to receive a loan from a Lender Partner (“Loan”) that allows the Applicants to use the Loan to make the Financed Purchase, with the funds for the Financed Purchase being paid directly to Company by the Lender Partner (a “Financing”).

This Agreement sets forth the terms and conditions of the Program under which Provider and Company will perform.    

  1.   Provider Obligations. Provider shall setup Company in Provider’s system and issue to Company Program links and associated graphical files (“Program Links”).  Provider will make the Program available to Company subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.
  2.   Company Obligations.  For the term of this Agreement, Company shall actively promote and offer the financing provided under the Program to its customers.
  3.      Intentionally omitted
  4.   Payments
    1. Financing; Payment of Funded Amounts; Lender Fee.  In connection with a Financing, once the Lender Partner has cleared any open stips, and once the Applicant has e-signed the Loan, and provided Company uploaded an ID for the Customer, and upon the Company certifying to Provider at the Provider Platform that a Successful Transaction (as defined below) has occurred, Provider shall cause the applicable Lender Partner to initiate an ACH transfer of the Funded Amount (as defined below) to the Company’s depository account set forth in the Company’s enrollment form above.  The timing of the Funded Amount being transferred into the Company’s bank account is usually within two (2) business days from the above being completed.
    2. Promotional Products.  If there is a promotional product related to the Program, such ACH transfer shall be in the amount of the Funded Amount, less the Lender Fee (as defined below).   Certain Lender Partners may require that the Company enter into an agreement with the Lender Partner (the “Company/Lender Partner Agreement”) and the Lender Partner will make the ACH transfer pursuant to the Company/Lender Partner Agreement. Upon Company’s receipt of such Funded Amount less the Lender Fee (if applicable), Company shall apply the full Funded Amount (without accounting for the deducted Lender Fee) as payment for the Company’s goods and/or services provided or to be provided to the Applicant.
      1. A “Successful Transaction” shall have occurred when (A) the Company has received and uploaded to the Provider Platform (i) a valid U.S. picture identification for the Applicant and (ii) if a Financed Purchase is conducted remotely with the Applicant, a just-taken picture of the Applicant (such as, a “selfie”) and (B) the company has made the following certification to Provider at the Provider Platform:

“I hereby certify to Provider and the applicable Lender Partner that (i) I received and reviewed a valid U.S. picture identification for the Applicant (if the Financed Purchase was conducted remotely with the Applicant, a just-taken picture of the Applicant, such as, a “selfie”), and confirmed that the picture identification showed the same full name and likeness of the Applicant and was not expired; (ii) I properly delivered the Product to the Applicant; (iii) the Applicant is satisfied with the Product and (iv) the Financed Purchase has been completed.”

The “Funded Amount” shall be equal to the amount of the Loan.

The “Lender Fee” shall be equal to the Funded Amount multiplied by the lender fee rate for the program of which Provider has made the Company aware and as may be adjusted by the Lender Partner.

  1.   Reversed Payments and Partial Returns.

Reversed Payments.  In connection with a Financing, Company shall pay to the applicable Lender Partner a Reversed Payment (as defined below) related to Financing when, for any such Financed Purchase, as applicable:

    1. a full Products order was not delivered to or received by the Applicant;
    2. a full Products order was returned or cancelled by an Applicant pursuant to Company’s return policy or an unresolved dispute with Applicant; or
    3. Company has caused any of the following: (i) a Loan was not applied for pursuant to the Policies and Procedures, (ii) the Financed Purchase was not processed pursuant to the Policies and Procedures, or (iii) the Loan was established, or any Financed Purchase was processed, through fraudulent means attributable to Company.

A “Reversed Payment” shall be the full amount of a Funded Amount. The procedures to complete a Reversed Payment are:

    1.  the Company shall immediately notify Provider of the Reversed payment by email;
    2. Provider will immediately deliver the Company’s email notice of the Reversed Payment to the applicable Lender Partner; and
    3. the applicable Lender Partner will complete a reverse ACH for the Reversed Payment (the entire Funded Amount).

Partial Returns.  In connection with a Financing, in the event of a Partial Return (as defined below), the procedures in this Partial Returns subsection shall be followed.

A “Partial Return” shall occur when:

    1. a portion of a Products order was not delivered to or received by the Applicant; or
    2. a portion of a Products order was returned or cancelled by an Applicant pursuant to Company’s return policy or an unresolved dispute with Applicant.

In the event of a Partial Return:

    1. the Company shall reimburse the Applicant for the amount of the Partial Return;
    2. the Company shall immediately notify Provider of the Partial Return and upload and updated invoice to the Provider Portal;
    3. Provider will immediately deliver the Company’s email notice of the Partial Return and updated invoice to the applicable Lender Partner; and
    4. the applicable Lender Partner will reflect this change in their records, but will not complete a reverse ACH related to the Partial Return.

6.  Product or Service Issue.  In connection with a Financing, if the Applicant returns, rejects, cancels or has issues with some or all the goods or services purchased or to be purchased from the Company or amounts claimed due related thereto, then it will be deemed a consumer objection (“Consumer Objection”).  If Provider determines that an Applicant has submitted a fraudulent Loan application, such application will be deemed a fraudulent loan application (“Fraudulent Loan Application”).  Upon the occurrence of a Consumer Objection or a Fraudulent Loan application, Provider will notify the Company and the Company will have ten (10) business days to investigate and use reasonable efforts to resolve the matter with the Applicant (the “Objection Resolution Period”).  Unless Provider and the applicable Lender Partner both agree that the Consumer Objection or Fraudulent Loan application is unreasonable or is not supported by the evidence or disproved via evidence from the Company, then at the end of the Objection Resolution Period, Provider shall have the right to (i) make demand upon and (ii) offset, charge back, or otherwise retrieve from the Company the portion of the Loan as determined by the Lender Partner that relates to the Consumer Objection or Fraudulent Loan application, and Company shall return such amount to the applicable Lender Partner.  If Provider determines that the Consumer Objection is the result of fraudulent activity or dishonest conduct on the part of the Company, the funds provided by Provider to the Company relating to the subject transaction shall be deemed to be a Reversed Payment and Company shall pay to Provider such Reversed Payment within two business days of notice from Provider.

7. Promotions.  The Company acknowledges that Provider has promotional products, including 0% interest products. By written notice, including email at Company may notify Provider that it wishes to offer or not offer a particular Promotion. Changing promotion preference may be done on a reasonable, periodic basis, as Company wishes.

8.  Prohibited Conduct.   In connection with offering the Financing or a Loan to an Applicant, Company shall not: (a) discriminate against any protected class or group; (b) discourage any Applicant from attempting to qualify for a Loan for any reason prohibited by applicable laws; (c) alter, falsify, or intentionally omit any material information or document(s) relating to an Applicant; (d) charge the Applicant a fee for applying for or receiving a Loan; (e) or, in general, commit any unlawful or fraudulent act.

9. Lender Partners Loan Products and Decisions.  The Company expressly acknowledges and agrees that the terms, conditions and pricing of all loan products issued by the Lender Partners, including promotional loan products, are subject to change in the sole discretion of the Lender Partners.  The Company also expressly acknowledges and agrees that decisions and determinations with respect to possible Loans shall be made at the sole and absolute discretion of the Lender Partners.   The Company agrees that Provider and its Lending Partners may do background checks on the Company, including but not limited to secretary of state / good standing, background criminal checks and credit checks.

10. Third-Party Beneficiaries.   Each Lender Partner shall be a third-party beneficiary as it relates to the provisions in this  Agreement related to Lender Partners.

11. Applicable Laws.   Each party hereby agrees to comply with all applicable United States federal, state and local laws, statutes, rules and regulations in connection with its participation in the Program .

12. Term & Termination.  The term of this Agreement shall be for six (6) months commencing on the Effective Date (the “Initial Term”.)  This Agreement shall automatically renew for subsequent six (6) months periods after the Initial Term (the “Renewal Periods) unless either party provides written notice at least thirty (30) days prior to the Renewal Period commencing (the “Termination”.)  Either party may terminate this Agreement for cause with thirty (30) days written notice to the other party.

13. Non-circumvention.  During the term of this Agreement and for twelve (12) months following termination, Company agrees not to circumvent Provider and work directly with the Lender Partners or to create a similar version of the Program independent of Provider.

14. Limitations of Liability.  In no event will either party or its suppliers or their respective affiliates, employees, or agents be liable for loss of profits, business, use, or data, or for interruption of business, or any other indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages even if advised of the possibility of such damages, regardless of the form of action.  Except in the event of Company circumvention of Provider, in no event will either party’s aggregate, cumulative monetary liability for any damages under or related to this Agreement from any cause (including misrepresentation or negligence) whatsoever, regardless of the form of action, exceed fifty thousand ($50,000).

15. Indemnification.

Provider hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Company from and against any and all costs, claims, demands, damages, losses, and liabilities (including reasonable attorney’s expenses, fees and costs) arising from or in any way related to Provider’s administration of the Program and also from any negligent acts or willful misconduct.

Company agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Provider and its officers, directors, employees, shareholders, successors and assigns and the Lender Partners from and against any and all costs, claims, demands, damages, losses, and liabilities (including reasonable attorney’s expenses, fees and costs) arising from or in any way related to Company’s improper, unauthorized, or variant use of the Program and also from Company’s neglect or willful misconduct with Applicants.

  1.       Confidentiality.  The parties agree not to disclose and/or distribute to any third-party not affiliated with the party any data or information obtained from the other party that is understood to be confidential, including, but not limited to, this Agreement, Company financial data, and Provider Lender Partners, fees, and proprietary software design and processes.
  2.       Jurisdiction. This Agreement shall be interpreted, construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia and the parties agree that the venue of any litigation arising out of any dispute concerning this Agreement shall be in the courts of Albemarle County, Virginia.

Installment Payment Plan Program Terms (if applicable)

The company that completed the above Flexxbuy application (“Company”) desires to become a merchant affiliated with the payment plan program (“Program” created and operated by SweetPay LLC, a Virginia limited liability company (“Provider”)
in accordance with these terms and conditions (this “Agreement”). By presenting this Agreement to the Company, Provider agrees to the terms and conditions in this Agreement. This Agreement shall be dated as of the date in the application form above.

The Program allows merchants (like the Company) to provide to its customers (each a “Consumer”) that are interested in financing their purchase (“Financed Purchase”) access to Provider’s technology that powers a payment plan from Company (“Payment Plan”). This allows the Consumers to complete the sale with Company using the Payment Plan (the “Program”).

This Provider Program Agreement (this “Program Agreement”) sets forth the terms and conditions of
the Provider Program under which Provider and Company will perform.
1. Fees. The Company shall pay to Provider the fees as provided in Exhibit A attached hereto, referencing Exhibit B attached hereto.
2. Provider Obligations. Provider shall setup Company in Provider’s system and issue to Company Provider Program links, marketing materials and associated graphical files (“Program Links”) for Company to deploy on Company’s web properties, such as a public website and social media accounts (its “Web Properties”) or otherwise provide to Consumers.
3. Company Obligations. For the term of this Program Agreement, Company shall actively promote, offer, and make available the Provider Program to its potential Consumers. Company may only use Program Links as provided by Provider on its Web Properties and shall not add to or modify the Program Links without the express written consent of Provider.
4. Origination of the Payment Plan; Customer Service.
a. Company shall market the Payment Plan to Consumers at Company designated stores, online or physical location (“Company Locations”) and on its Website as agreed to between the parties. The form and content of all marketing and advertising by Company, at Company Locations, on the Website or otherwise, of the Payment Plan, shall be as approved in writing by Provider after consultation with Company.
b. Utilizing the Provider Platform, Company shall promote and assist all Consumers who express an interest in obtaining financing with completing and submitting an Application. Company shall comply with all policies and procedures provided by Provider (“Policies and Procedures”). Provider shall provide reasonable educational training as well as training materials at no cost to Company
relating to the Program. This education training shall be reasonably sufficient to allow Company’s
employees to effectively promote the Program in compliance with applicable laws.
c. Company shall provide the services and support to the Consumer that it would otherwise provide and honor for a customer who purchases Company products or services (“Product”) other than through the Provider Program. Except for usual and customary fees and costs charged by the Company in connection with purchases using other payment tender types, in no event shall Company impose any surcharge, additional cost, fee or other obligation, however designated, on the Consumer resulting from Consumer establishing the Payment Plan.
d. Company shall process all Consumer complaints and disputes in connection with a Financed Purchase, and shall do so in accordance with Company’s policies. Company shall promptly provide to Provider relevant information relating to any such complaint and dispute to the extent requested by Provider. Each of Provider and Company shall reasonably cooperate with, and provide information to, the other Party in the performance of its duties and obligations pursuant to this Agreement and the Provider Program, including handling Consumer complaints and disputes.
5. Payment Plan.
a. With respect to the Company offering the Payment Plan, Company shall comply with the terms applicable to the Company as set forth in Exhibit B (Payment Plan Provisions). By written notice, including email, Company may notify Provider to enable or disable the Payment Plan as a product offering in the Company’s Program Link, providing reasonable notice.
b. A function of the service required in performance of the Payment Plan includes the collection of the Consumer’s down payment and account setup fee (the “Initial Payment”). The Initial Payment may be collected by Company or Provider, depending on Company’s sales process. Should Provider collect the Initial Payment, Company agrees to have Provider retain an interchange fee equal to 1.0% if a bank draft or debit card is used or 3.5% if a credit card is used by the Consumer (the “Interchange Fee”). Should Provider collect the Initial Payment, it will ACH to Company the down payment, less Interchange Fee, after the payment clears Provider’s bank. If Company collects the Initial Payment, Provider will invoice Company for the account setup fee portion of the Initial Payment and the transaction fee specified in Exhibit A.
c. In the event that (i) any Products were not delivered to or received by the Consumer; (ii) any Products were returned or cancelled by a Consumer pursuant to Company’s return policy or (iii) there is an unresolved dispute between Company and Consumer, and a Consumer requests the return of the down payment, then Provider shall make Company aware of such Consumer request and Company shall resolve the dispute with the Consumer. Upon notice from the Company that the Company has returned the Product and down payment to the Consumer, Provider will consider the Consumer Agreement null and void.
1. Provider Not An Agent. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to make Provider an agent of Company as it relates to the Company’s business, including Provider’s performance of the Provider Assist Program. Provider shall have no authority to and shall not negotiate any price or terms relating to any Product.
2. Prohibited Conduct. Company shall not: (a) discriminate against any protected class or group when offering the the Payment Plan to a Consumer; (b) discourage any Consumer from attempting to qualify for the the Payment Plan for any reason prohibited by applicable laws; (c) (i) alter, (ii) falsify, or (iii) intentionally omit any material information or document(s) relating to a Consumer; (d) advise or cause a Consumer to provide false information in their application; (e) charge the Consumer a fee for applying for or receiving the the Payment Plan; (f) through Company’s action or inaction, cause any part of the the Payment Plan agreement signed by the Consumer or the the Payment Plan itself to be unenforceable, subject to rescission, modified, or waived; (g) make any agreement, commitment or representation to a Consumer relating to the Provider Program or the Payment Plan not previously authorized in writing by Provider; (h) misrepresent any potential or actual the Payment Plan terms or requirements to a Consumer; or (h) represent to a Consumer whether the Consumer has or has not been approved for the the Payment Plan unless previously notified of such approval or non-approval in writing or via electronic methods by Provider.
3. Applicable Laws. Each party hereby agrees to comply with all applicable United States federal, state and local laws, statutes, rules and regulations in connection with its participation in the Program.
4. Term & Termination. The term of this Program Agreement shall be for one month commencing with the issuance to Company of Program Links (the “Initial Service Period”.) Either party may terminate this Program Agreement after the Initial Service Period with a thirty (30) days written notice to the other party (“Termination”.) This Program Agreement shall continue on a month-to-
basis after the Initial Service Period until such Termination is made. Either party may terminate this Program Agreement for cause with thirty (30) days written notice to the other party. Upon Termination, Company agrees to cooperate with Provider in order to immediately remove the Provider logo, Program Link graphics and any other mention of Provider from its Web Properties.
10. Title and Ownership. Title to and ownership of the Provider Program, any related software and documentation, and all related trademarks, copyrights, patents, trade secrets and other proprietary rights, are and will remain the exclusive property of Provider.
11. Legal Capacity to Perform. The Company has, and will continue to have throughout the term of this Agreement, the legal capacity to perform and provide the Product, and will provide such Product in a manner as described, marketed, and/or advertised to the Consumers.
12. Non-circumvention. During the term and for twelve (12) months following termination, Company agrees not to circumvent Provider and create a similar version of the Provider Program independent of Provider.
13. Limitations of Liability. In no event will either party or its suppliers or their respective affiliates, employees, or agents be liable for loss of profits, business, use, or data, or for interruption of business, or any other indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages even if advised of the possibility of such damages, regardless of the form of action. Except in the event of Company
circumvention of Provider, in no event will either party’s aggregate, cumulative monetary liability for any damages under or related to this Program Agreement from any cause (including misrepresentation or negligence) whatsoever, regardless of the form of action, exceed fifty thousand ($50,000).
14. Indemnification.
Company agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Provider and its officers, directors, employees, shareholders, successors and assigns from and against any and all costs, claims, demands, damages, losses, and liabilities (including reasonable attorney’s expenses, fees and costs) arising from or in any way related to Company’s improper, unauthorized, or variant use of the Provider Program and also from Company’s neglect or willful misconduct with Consumers.
Provider hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Company from and against any and all costs, claims, demands, damages, losses, and liabilities (including reasonable attorney’s expenses, fees and costs) arising from or in any way related to Provider’s administration of the Provider Program and also from any negligent acts or willful misconduct.
15. Severability. If any one or more of the provisions contained in this Program Agreement shall be found by a court of law or state or federal agency to be invalid or unenforceable in any respect, such provision(s) shall be construed as having never been contained herein and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any other provision of this Agreement.
16. Confidentiality. The parties agree not to disclose and/or distribute to any third party not affiliated with the party any data or information obtained from the other party that is understood to be confidential, including, but not limited to, this Program Agreement, Company financial data, fees, and proprietary software design and processes.
17. Entire Agreement. This Program Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties and there are no other agreements between the parties except as expressly contained herein. This Program Agreement may be amended only by a writing signed by both parties hereto. This Program Agreement supersedes and invalidates any prior agreement between the parties.
18. Jurisdiction. This Program Agreement shall be interpreted, construed and enforced in accordance with the laws of the Commonwealth of Virginia and the parties agree that the venue of any litigation arising out of any dispute concerning this Program Agreement shall be in the courts of Albemarle County, Virginia.


Exhibit A

Payment Plan Provisions

1. Unlimited Contracts: Company may offer an unlimited number of contracts (each, a “Contract”) to consumers (“Consumers”).

2. Monthly Payments. Provider will bill Consumers monthly based on the schedule generated when the Contract is initiated. ACH is the preferred payment method, with Consumer payments automatically deducted from their checking or savings account each month. Credit cards are not accepted. Consumers who do not opt-in for ACH automatic payments may still be approved and may mail in paper checks for their monthly payment.

3. Consumer Account Setup Fee. Provider will collect a fee of $59.00 from the Consumer (the “Account Setup Fee”).

4. Credit Checks. Provider does not perform a credit check on Consumers. Other verification processes may be used to verify bank account accuracy, funds, and Consumer addresses & identification.

5. Interest Rate. Consumers only pay interest on the principal balance, not the total sale amount. The principal owed and the interest rate are used to determine the Consumer’s monthly payment.
6. Transaction Fee. In consideration of Provider providing the technology to facilitate Payment Plans, the Company shall pay to Provider a transaction fee for each Payment Plan executed. At Exhibit B there is a Transaction Fee table which sets forth the different transaction fee rates. In a separate writing outside of this Agreement (including email), the parties will agree on the dollar amount of the transaction fee applicable to the Program. If Provider collects the Initial Payment from the Consumer (down payment and Account Setup Fee), Provider will retain the Transaction Fee, Account Setup Fee, and Interchange Fee from the Initial Payment it ACHs to Company. Should Company collect the Initial Payment, Provider will invoice Company for the Transaction Fee and Account Setup Fee, and will withdraw the amount in the invoice from the Company’s bank account on file with Provider.

7. Contract Servicing Fee. Company shall pay Provider a contract servicing fee (as hereinafter described, a “Contract Servicing Fee”). The Contract Servicing Fee shall be a percentage of the total amount of a sale or service that results in a Contract. At Exhibit B there is a Contract Servicing Fee table which sets forth the different percentages for the Contract Servicing Fee. In a separate writing outside of this Agreement (including email), the parties will agree on the Contract Servicing Fee percentage applicable to the Program. The monthly Contract Servicing Fee will be calculated by multiplying such percentage by the purchase price and dividing by the number of payments to be made by the Consumer. The Contract Servicing Fee will be deducted from the funds collected from the Consumer’s payment and forwarded to the Company each month. If a Consumer stops paying on a Contract, both Provider and the Company will not receive the money they are due. If a Consumer is late making payment but eventually pays all or some of a monthly payment, Provider will retain the Contract Servicing Fee. If a Consumer’s account is sent to a collection agency, all of the net recovered funds will go to the Company, and Provider will no longer collect the Contract Servicing Fee for that Consumer. The Contract Servicing Fee will be deducted in full for accounts that are pre-paid by Consumers at the time of pre-payment.

8. Payment to Company. All interest and principal collected under a Contract will be forwarded to the Company on a monthly basis and electronically into the Company’s bank account, less the Contract Servicing Fee.

9. Bank Fees. Provider will pay for predetermined bank fees, including ACH fees, related to the Contract Servicing Fee.

10. Return Policy. If a product return falls within the Company’s approved return policy criteria and results in a reversed sale, Provider will reverse any Company and/or Consumer fees on that transaction. If a Company accepts a product return at a discount and the Contract is willingly closed or terminated by the Company, Provider will no longer charge additional Contract Servicing Fees beyond what has already been collected for that Contract. The Transaction Fee will be retained by Provider.

11. Returned Check/ACH Policy. A non-sufficient funds (NSF) fee will be added to the Consumer’s outstanding balance for each returned check/ACH. Any NSF fees collected from a Consumer will be retained by Provider.

12. Late Fees/Collections/Legal Action. Provider may charge and receive late fees from the Consumer when additional services are required to collect under the Contract, including, but not limited to, the following: past due calls, sending additional invoices, legal fees, certified mail, returned checks/ACH, returned credit card processes, and tracking of bad phone and address information. Provider will pay to the Company fifty percent (50%) of the late fees that Provider collects from Consumers. Provider will deliver such percentage of the late fees to the Company within 30 days of receipt from the Consumer. Provider reserves the right to determine if and when a delinquent Consumer account should be sent to a collection agency. Once sent to a collection agency, the account cannot be withdrawn from the collection agency. Provider may pursue legal action against a Consumer in default in order to recover the outstanding balance for the Company. Attorney fees, court costs, and any legal costs in this process may be charged to the Consumer during the litigation process. In case of default, the Consumer account may be sent to a collection agency. All net recovered funds on the outstanding balance will be sent to the Company. Notwithstanding the foregoing, judgments collected will pay court and legal fees first, followed by the outstanding balance. Provider may close a Consumer account in bankruptcy. ALL BILLING AND COLLECTION ACTIVITIES ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF SWEETPAY, AND ALL DISCRETIONARY DECISIONS RELATED TO SUCH ACTIVITIES ARE MADE ONLY BY SWEETPAY.

13. Financial Responsibility. Although Provider may use methods of collecting the Consumer debt, including invoicing, calls, emails, collections, credit reporting and legal action, IT IS NOT FINANCIALLY RESPONSIBLE TO PAY FOR A DELINQUENT CONTRACT BALANCE. SWEETPAY IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY UNPAID PORTION OF THE CONTRACT BORROWED AMOUNT.



Exhibit B- Transaction and Service  Fee Schedule

(subject to change at any time)

Term (Months): 6-24 

Interest Rate (paid to merchant): 0%-24.9% 

Down Payment (collected from borrower): 10% minimum 

Borrower Setup Fee (collected from borrower): $59 

Merchant Transaction Fee (collected from merchant at time of sales completion): 2% of invoice amount plus $99 

Monthly Servicing Fee (collected from payments): 6% annualized (based on a 12 month minimum term and a minimum total amount of $100)