AUTO REPAIR FINANCING Will Drive Auto Repair Sales To Your Business By Making It Possible For More Consumers to Say “YES”
Are you losing sales because consumers don’t have the money or credit to close the deal?
Are you losing revenue because customers must short-change their repair due to lack of funds?
Of course you are, because what business isn’t these days.
Now, you can help your customers get the auto repairs they need and increase revenues by offering flexible financing options regardless of credit.
Gain a competitive advantage by reaching an untapped marketplace of eager consumers your competition is ignoring. These people want and need your services, but lack the resources and credit to buy using conventional means.
Our lenders understand today’s consumers and looks at them in a different way .
FLEXX AUTO Business Partners and their customers can realize the following benefits:
- Financing amounts from a few hundred dollars to $30,000
- Single Lender and Multi-Lender Platforms
- Terms up to 5 years
- Non Credit Based and Flexible Credit Based Options
- No recourse to your business on defaulted consumer payments or loans
- Decisions that take a matter of minutes
- Easy, pain free processing
- Business receives their money within 3 to 5 business days
Giving consumers multiple options for paying might be the difference between closing a sale and turning a customer away.
As a matter of fact, you will certainly see a substantial increase in traffic to your business by simply letting the people in your community know you have flexible payment options.
What do you have to lose?
Get signed up and start advertising that you have Flexible Financing and see what happens.
So don’t delay. Complete the form on this page to learn more about becoming a FLEXXBUY Business Partner.