The Five Minute Fast-Track Tool To Selling Flexxbuy Customer Financing  

Customer Financing is HOT! HOT! HOT!

Are you already selling B-tp-B products or services? Do you have connections in specific industries that may be a fit for customer financing? Have you recently tried to buy a product or service and thought, “if only this business offered financing…”

Flexxbuy can be your next BIG OPPORTUNITY!

When it comes to offering customer financing, businesses can try and get set up with a bank . Perhaps, they also need a program to handle their customers with credit that is below prime, so they take on another lender.

If they are in one of the more desirable industries, they can do that.

Or, they can enroll in Flexxbuy and have access to many lenders

And Flexxbuy will work with almost every industry and business. It doesn’t matter whether the business is established or new. Their revenue doesn’t matter.  It doesn’t matter whether they have a store front, an office or operate from the owner’s garage or bedroom. It doesn’t make a difference where and how they make their sale.  

Traditional customer financing lenders make it hard!!

Flexxbuy strives to level the playing field for all businesses that can utilize financing to help grow their business. Whether the need is daily, weekly, monthly or quarterly, we can help businesses not leave money on the table. Frankly, prospects should never be wasted. If there’s a will, there should be a way.

There’s a tremendous opportunity in selling customer financing. Over ninety percent of businesses that can offer it, don’t.

We want to reach those businesses and we can use your help.

So, if you want to get involved and get a piece of this lucrative opportunity, we want to do everything in our power to help make that happen for you.

Admittedly, understanding all the nuances of Flexxbuy’s financing programs can seem daunting. We can’t offer as much as we do and make it easy to become an expert. It’s not brain surgery, but it will take some time. That being said, we do make everything you need available in our Agent Resources to learn the ins and outs, if that’s your thing. 

But there’s another way for you to go. One where you can get up and running in FIVE MINUTES!

We have developed a Proposal Creator Application that allows you to start presenting customized options for businesses in a matter of minutes. You can present a professional looking proposal that makes you seem like a seasoned pro.  It essentially eliminates your learning curve.  It almost couldn’t be easier.

Start earning upfront and lifetime residual commissions today! Don’t miss out.


Watch the video now and see how simple it is.