Consumer financing for small business is real, and it’s here!
And just in the nick of time. Are you aware that 80 percent of American workers say they live paycheck-to-paycheck?
Consumer financing for small business has been a long time coming and Flexxbuy makes it possible. It’s not only small businesses that have issues with offering consumer financing , new businesses, businesses that sell services and businesses that don’t sell out of a store or face to face are usually on the outside looking, in as well.
But here’s why offering consumer financing to your customers is so important.
As a small business, you really don’t understand fully what you’re missing. Sure, you know about the people who specifically ask for consumer financing. But how about those people that never contact your business because you don’t offer it.
Seventy percent of consumers will research businesses that offer consumer financing before they make that sales call or visit.
They don’t want to bother if there is no way of completing the sale. That’s the real reason consumer financing for small business is so important. Not only will it help you complete sales once you have a prospect, it will get you that prospect in the first place. Without financing, those people will never reach out. They’ll go to your competition that is offering consumer financing, or stay home.
So, you now know you need consumer financing , but where do you turn? Not all lenders will provide consumer financing for small business. There are prime lenders, sub-prime lenders, lease companies and many other solutions, but not all are suitable for your business. Which solutions does your business qualify for and most important, which are most suitable for your customers? Here’s the good news. You don’t have to do that one-off application and experimentation. Flexxbuy can bundle it all for you in one easy to use solution. We’ll provide the best options that your business will qualify for.
To discover how Flexxbuy can provide the best financing options for your customers, complete the form on this page.