Attorney Retainer and Legal Fee Financing Will Help Your Law Firm Increase Revenues And Reduce The Risk Of Lost Legal Fees By Providing Your Clients With Flexible Financing Options

Attorney Retainer and Legal Fee Financing

Flexxbuy has helped countless law firms make client fees more affordable through its Attorney Retainer and Legal Fee Financing Program. How many people are prepared to pay unexpected legal fees?

Are you tired of having to accept less than your full retainer or legal fee?

Do you have uncollected accounts receivable?

Is your firm losing revenue because clients have no money to pay?

Attorneys relay these complaints to us every day.

Lawyers are too often put in the difficult position of either accepting a compromised retainer fee or turning away a person desperate for legal assistance. It is particularly difficult if that person is a former client or a referral.

You can NOW help your clients without jeopardizing your fee by offering flexible Attorney Retainer and Legal Fee Financing for people with prime and sub-prime credit scores.

Countless people that really require your legal expertise, but lack the means to pay you what you deserve.

A recent ABA Opinion now takes all the guess work out of whether or not you can use Attorney Retainer and Legal Fee Financing in your practice.

FLEXXBUY ATTORNEY RETAINER AND LEGAL FEE FINANCING can help you secure more clients immediately.

  • Financing amounts up to $50,000
  • Terms as long as 5 years
  • Credit down to a 550 FICO Score
  • Interest rates starting at 5.99% (subject to credit tier)
  • Decisions that take a matter of seconds
  • Easy, pain free processing
  • Attorney can receive 100% of  funds within 72 hours

Watch this short video to see how easy it actually is.



Giving prospective clients alternative options for paying their legal fees can be the difference between retaining a client or turning one away.

And imagine the increase in business you will realize by simply letting the people in your community know you have flexible payment options.

What do you have to lose?

Enroll and start advertising that you have Retainer and Legal Fee Financing and see what happens.

And now, you can bundle in our EZPay Plan Plus Guaranteed Payment Program and never have to turn a client away ever again

Here are some of the key features of the EZPay Plan Plus Program.

  • All clients approved
  • Amounts from $300 to $20,000
  • Your firm receives 100 percent of your fee
  • 12 to 48 month term
  • Interest rates of 13.99% to 16.99%
  • All payments are guaranteed in the event of of default
  • Payments made by client are reported to the credit bureau

With EZPay Plan Plus, you can retain every client you want.

And with Flexxbuy legal fee financing solutions will even help you get paid on past account receivables. It’s easy.

So don’t delay. Complete the form on this page to learn more about becoming an Flexxbuy Legal Partner.

For even more flexibility, add our FlexxEZPay Plan Program to provide an easy,  in-house payment plan for people who are unable to secure third-party financing. With this one-two punch, you never have to turn away a potential client again.

To enroll today, Click Here